Category: Humanities: Literature Electives (ENG)

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Literature of Creativity
One Semester (.5 credit) What does it mean to exercise power by bringing a work of art into being? Is there a difference between “artistic” and other forms of creativity or communication? In what ways can a work of art...
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Philosophy and Literature
Prerequisite: Open to grades 10-12May fulfill either Literature or Social Science requirement (ENG, SOCSCI)The fields of philosophy and literature represent dual (and often dueling) examinations of the human condition. Sometimes the traditions are at odds with each other, with the...
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Creative Nonfiction
The creative nonfiction genre has emerged in recent years to showcase not only new authors but a wealth of new perspectives and stories previously untold or obscured. How do we tell our story? How do we tell the story of...
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Activist Literature
To paraphrase one critic, many of our most compelling authors write their books not to qualify for some sort of literary hall of fame; they write their books to change the world. Stories can move us to action, and writers...
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British Literature
In British Literature, we will study key poems, dramas, and novels from the United Kingdom. We will learn about major literary movements within the Anglophone tradition between the Elizabethan and Postwar eras. This is a reading-intensive elective designed to familiarize...
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Banned Books
What do Harry Potter, The Handmaid’s Tale, and To Kill a Mockingbird have in common? They have all been placed on the very long list of books that have been banned from classrooms and libraries. Banned books are considered by...
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Honors Literature Seminar
Prerequisite: Grade 12 only; Honors placement determined by departmental recommendationThis literature seminar for seniors will survey college-level texts and skills. Students will examinetexts representing a wide spectrum of genres, eras, authors, topics, and nationalities. In addition to ongoing practice in...
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Global Humanities
Honors placement subject to departmental recommendationThis course explores twentieth- and twenty-first century developments that have shaped contemporary global debates. Students will focus on connecting particular historical events and literary works to broader social and political trends. Students will examine how...
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American Humanities
Honors placement subject to departmental recommendationThis course will examine numerous historical and literary developments in American culture from the pre-colonial era into the present. Students will explore the tensions between the country’s founding ideals and the ways in which those...
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World Humanities
Through the examination of a wide variety of literary, political, and philosophical texts, students will acquire an understanding of the narratives and philosophies which underpin and shape their thinking. By working with these texts in their historical and cultural contexts,...
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