Location & Directions

The Academy at Penguin Hall is located at 36 Essex Street, Wenham, Massachusetts 01984
As you follow the winding path from our street entrance, you’ll come to a STOP sign at the Caretaker’s Cottage. Go past the Cottage toward the Manor House and follow the signs for “Visitors and Admissions”.
With the Manor to your left as you round the bend, you’ll approach the stone pillars with our two welcoming Emperors. Park in the Courtyard and enter through the spiderweb door to our welcome desk in the Great Hall.
To automatically fill the directions to and from fields, click the red location marker within the map and then the blue “you are here” circle, also within the map. To open up Google Maps on your mobile phone click this link https://goo.gl/maps/zDrZPo6b6Ws