Chris Park

Science/Computer Science

How does the APH teaching philosophy look in your classroom?

Collaborative problem-solving is what drives my instruction. I aim to provide a space of exploration where learners are able to communicate together to discuss possible solutions. As iron sharpens iron, their abilities are strengthened and honed through meaningful discussions in environments mimicking STEM industries. There is great value in having small class sizes, where every member can leave a meaningful impact on every other person in the room.

What excites you about The Academy at Penguin Hall?

I am grateful to enter into a tight-knit community of faculty and students. As I get to know APH more and more, it becomes clear that both the students and faculty fuel a collective effort to ensure growth. By providing a space where these young women can feel safe, they can be challenged to grow academically and in their own character.

Share something interesting about yourself.

I gain a deep sense of gratification through the process of making. This comes out most practically through cooking. Exploring how ingredients and cooking techniques combine and impact the final dish is a fun daily event. Creating is what also drives my passion for computer science. With the use of online resources, I have been able to create animations, data analysis, graphical interfaces, and any other digital product of interest. There is so much freedom in creation once the fundamentals of each process is understood.