Unbridled Joy
Reflecting on APH’s first ever community retreat.
Unbridled Joy. Those are the two words that come to mind when reflecting on APH’s first ever community retreat.
Today was spent laughing, sharing, and learning about one another’s gifts. Through this day-long retreat focused on Romans 12:4-5, our community reflected on how we could best share and appreciate each other’s unique talents, hobbies, and personality characteristics as we embark on this new adventure.
The morning began with a prayer service, during which the girls reflected on Bishop Kenneth Utener’s words, “We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.” Each girl shared that something that she can do very well on our community poster, which will be displayed in Campus Ministry this year. It was an amazing testament to our community to see a poster filled to capacity with such wonderful attributes!
Additionally, each member of our community was given a bracelet that will serve as a tangible reminder of their retreat day. These fair trade bracelets were handmade by Ugandan women, through the organization Global Girlfriend. Each bracelet supports not only the woman who made it, but also provides funds for a Ugandan girl to attend school for one day. Our community will wear these bracelets to not only support our own community, but also remind us of the global sisterhood we are all a part of.
The rest of the day students engaged in ice breakers, played team building games, listened to faculty talks, and shared in small groups. The students were so willing to embrace each activity with open minds and open hearts. Each portion of the retreat brought smiles and laughter, and the girls all agreed that it was a day well spent.
This beautiful retreat day has set the tone for the rest of the year, as the girls continue to create our culture of kindness, honoring each other’s’ gifts, talents, and individuality. We are excited to see what future Campus Ministry events will bring!
Get involved! Please volunteer with us at an upcoming Campus Ministry Event:
September 24th– Northeast ARC Harvest Festival
APH has invited St. John’s Prep students to volunteer alongside them at the annual Harvest Festival. Students will help out with various activities including games, crafts, face painting, etc.
September 25th– Best Buddies Massachusetts Friendship 5K
Our students will be both walking/running/volunteering at the 5K. We are also going to encourage staff and administration to join us! We invite students and families to register and run or walk if they want. We have a team (Academy at Penguin Hall) that you can join when you register.
More details can be found here: