Category: Humanities: History Electives (HIS)
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One Semester (.5 credit) May fulfill either Humanities-History or Social Science requirement (HIS, SOCSCI)Criminal Justice is a new course offered at APH that will examine American History through high profile crimes and assess the criminal justice system. We’ll also look...
May fulfill English, History or Social Science requirement (ENG, HIS, SOCSCI)The class surveys urban literature across time and space, with a focus on the voices of marginalized communities in the United States. Authors guide us to discover the joys of...
Prerequisite: Latin American History IThis elective continues the study of Latin American History I.
Prerequisite: Grades 11-12; knowledge of Spanish not requiredThis elective will provide students the opportunity to study ancient Pre-Columbian cultures in countries such as Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, and Guatemala. We will explore the history, society and art of Latin American pre-Columbian...
Prerequisite: Introduction to the History and Language of Russia/Ukraine IMay fulfill either History or World Language elective (HIS, LANG)Students continue learning the Russian language and building their vocabulary, while engaging in the study of Russian and Ukrainian history and culture...
Prerequisite: successful completion of Latin I or the equivalentMay fulfill either History or World Language elective (HIS, LANG)In this introductory course, students embark on a journey into the Russian and Ukrainian languages and cultures. Students begin by learning simple greetings...
May fulfill either History or Social Science requirement (HIS, SOCSCI)From Colonial schools to the current ecosystems of Charter, Montessori, Private and Public education this course will focus on both the history and policy that shapes education in the United States...
Prerequisite: 10-12 grades onlyMay fulfill either History or Social Science requirement (HIS, SOCSCI)Simone de Beauvoir once wrote “one is not born, but becomes a woman.” In this course we’ll investigate the process of becoming a gender. We’ll talk about what...
May fulfill either History or Social Science requirement (HIS, SOCSCI)This class focuses primarily on the policies that politicians develop in response to current events and issues in their communities. Students will research different current events, how they affect their communities,...
This course introduces students to the techniques and practices of the oral history interview, including: the background research, drafting the interview questions, and planning the interview with awareness of the ethics and etiquette of oral history. The ultimate goal of...
Honors placement subject to departmental recommendationThis course explores twentieth- and twenty-first century developments that have shaped contemporary global debates. Students will focus on connecting particular historical events and literary works to broader social and political trends. Students will examine how...
Honors placement subject to departmental recommendationThis course will examine numerous historical and literary developments in American culture from the pre-colonial era into the present. Students will explore the tensions between the country’s founding ideals and the ways in which those...
Through the examination of a wide variety of literary, political, and philosophical texts, students will acquire an understanding of the narratives and philosophies which underpin and shape their thinking. By working with these texts in their historical and cultural contexts,...