Category: Arts

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A Standing Ovation for Twelfth Night
Written By Molly Tittemore  This fall, APH students braved the literary world of William Shakespeare and put on  a production of his beloved, comedic play, Twelfth Night. The production started off  on an intriguing note, complete with ominous, anxiety-riddled music....
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Diversity of the Girl: A Student Art Exhibit
Diversity of the Girl is an art gallery highlighting the variety in women. Student Hannah V.' '20, the exhibit curator, assembled this collection to help defy the societal stereotypes we are presented with every day.
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APH Student Recognized in Georgetown Community
Kendelle Cooper, of Georgetown, created the work “Arctic Thaw” after discovering that Polar Bears may go extinct in her lifetime. Her work was honored at Endicott College High School Art Competition when she received The Dean’s Choice Award.
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