Category: World Languages (LANG)
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Pre-Requisito: Español para Hispanohablantes 1El objetivo de esta clase es seguir aprendiendo este idioma rico por sus características y modismos. En este segundo año, las estudiantes deberán tener un conocimiento profundo de la gramática aprendida el primer año lo cual...
Pre-Requisito: Estudiantes con fluidez y entendimiento del idiomaLas estudiantes serán capaces de obtener la ayuda suficiente con la gramática así como con la ortografía para tomar este curso durante el año escolar. En el aula se revisarán las reglas básicas...
Prerequisite: Spanish IV or satisfactory placement exam resultsSee Spanish V for course description.
Prerequisite: Spanish IV or satisfactory placement exam resultsSpanish V focuses on language and culture through literature, art, and film. Students will continue to hone their command of the finer points of Spanish grammar and expand their vocabulary through short literary...
Prerequisite: Spanish III or satisfactory placement exam resultsSee Spanish IV for course description
Prerequisite: Spanish III or satisfactory placement exam resultsSpanish IV is an advanced intermediate course in Spanish at the high school level. It enriches students’ proficiency and cultural understanding, preparing them for college and career-level Spanish. Thematic unit organization encourages students...
Prerequisite: Spanish II or satisfactory placement exam results; permission of instructorSee Spanish III for course description.
Prerequisite: Spanish II or satisfactory placement exam resultsSpanish III is an intermediate course in Spanish that builds upon the basic course content of Spanish I and II with more complex grammatical structures and thematic vocabulary aimed at strengthening the four...
Prerequisite: Spanish I or satisfactory placement exam resultsSpanish II is an early intermediate course in Spanish that builds upon the basic content of Spanish I. In this course, the linguistic fundamentals of vocabulary and grammar are closely linked to their...
Spanish I is the introductory course in Spanish for beginning students that develops the fundamentals of grammar and practical vocabulary needed to reach specific communicative benchmarks within the cultural framework of Spain and Latin America. Classroom activities are designed to...
Prerequisite: Latin III or satisfactory placement exam resultsUpon completion of Unit 4 of the Cambridge Latin Curriculum, we explore classical Latin literature, some of the most enduring works of world literature. We begin reading authors of the late Republic (Caesar,...
Prerequisite: Latin II or satisfactory placement exam resultsIn third-year Latin, students review and consolidate their Latin vocabulary and grammar, complete their study of fundamental Latin grammar, and read gently edited and unedited Latin texts. We work in Unit 3 and...
Prerequisite: Latin I or satisfactory placement exam resultsLatin II begins with a review of the material covered in first-year Latin and progresses further in the study of Latin grammar, including the remaining noun declensions, the passive voice, the subjunctive mood,...
Latin provides students with a firm foundation for the study of any world language and for continuing the study of Latin. Latin I is a requirement for incoming first-years at The Academy at Penguin Hall. Students work on pronunciation; reading...
Prerequisite: French IV or instructor approval, grades 10-12This upper-level literature seminar will prepare you for college-level work in French with an emphasis on analyzing works of literature, as we continue to learn and refine vocabulary and grammar structures through reading,...
Prerequisite: French III or satisfactory placement exam resultsIn this intermediate/advanced-level course, we will continue to develop our skills in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing French. Our course will be organized around four major themes, each driven by a central film...
Prerequisite: French II or satisfactory placement exam resultsIn this intermediate-level course, we will continue to develop our skills in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing French. By participating in communicative classroom activities, reading texts in French, listening to songs and videos,...
Prerequisite: French I or satisfactory placement exam resultsIn this upper-elementary-level course, we will continue to develop our skills in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing French. By participating in communicative classroom activities, reading texts in French, listening to songs and watching...
In this introductory-level course, you will begin listening to and reading French from day one, and your writing and speaking skills will emerge naturally. Class is immersive, active, and proficiency-driven. We will communicate across the four skills of reading, writing,...