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Student Dancer Receives Prestigous Opportunity
As Junior Ruby D’Amico reflects on the incredible opportunity she is about to experience, she quotes her ballet teacher Denise Cecere, “It’s not if you can do it, it’s how you do it”. To say Ruby has taken this quote...
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APH Student Retreats
It’s been a busy month for APH’s Campus Ministry, with the first years, sophomores, and juniors all participating in their first-ever class retreats! On Friday, February 17th, the first years attended their retreat, which focused on the question of “Who...
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APH Student-Athletes Celebrate Women in Sports
National Girls and Women in Sports Day celebrates the incredible achievements of individuals who have helped to effect and create opportunities for women and girls in sports. On Friday, February 3, APH student-athletes Veronica S., ‘17 and Kathryn W., ‘18 participated...
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Community Day Reflections: Our Mission
As I see our students, faculty, and administration during the day, I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes about mission from Gandhi, “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the...
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When Math and Art Work Together
At The Academy at Penguin Hall, we love to see our students excited about learning. When students in Sherry Cook’s Precalculus class couldn’t stop talking about their most recent creations, we knew it was something that needed to be shared. While...
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APH “Drama of Politics” Class Featured in Salem News
Here at The Academy at Penguin Hall, we develop highly student-centered, interdisciplinary, courses. One of our courses this year, Drama of Politics, takes a look at different kinds of politics and political performances- from commercials, to architecture, to speeches, to the...
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Yale Brings Something Extra to APH
“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.” “Be your authentic self.” “My closest friends are still the girls from my all girls high school.” “Take advantage of this experience.” These messages as well as the inspiring sounds of Yale’s premier all female a...
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