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Weekly Reflections 9/30/2016
This past week has been filled with many exciting activities as our community begins to find our rhythm. The girls are acclimating to PBL and all that it entails.
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Blessing and Dedication of The Academy at Penguin Hall
On Tuesday, September 6, 2016, The Academy at Penguin Hall celebrated our blessing and dedication of the opening of school. More than 60 students and over 150 families, local leaders and state officials were here to celebrate the opening of...
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Dream Big – APH Project Based Learning
How can we, as a school community, use our reading of Malala to establish our culture at The Academy at Penguin Hall? Last week we introduced the girls to project-based learning. The week began with an entry event – A...
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Unbridled Joy
Reflecting on APH’s first ever community retreat. Unbridled Joy. Those are the two words that come to mind when reflecting on APH’s first ever community retreat. Today was spent laughing, sharing, and learning about one another’s gifts.  Through this day-long...
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Girl Power
Today I saw what experts and researchers have written about with regard to single-sex education -- it's different and the difference is palpable.
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North Shore Magazine “Girl Power”
"So, as you can see, it's not school as usual," says Dean Tsouvalas, while stepping onto a balcony overlooking the pristine, lush green grounds of Penguin Hall. No, it’s definitely not school as usual. The resemblance to Harry Potter’s Hogwarts...
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The Teachers Are Here!
Our teaching staff has arrived at The Academy at Penguin Hall and the sound of spirited discussions around how best prepare our young women for college and beyond has filled the halls.
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