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Let’s invite one another to talk about these and other events that trouble us. Not only peaceful marching makes a difference. We can make a difference in the very act of inviting discussion, and, super important, in how we engage...
We’ve heard this called 'an assault on our democracy.' The United States has prided itself on being a country that by definition does not have a king or a ruler, but has a government of the people in which citizens...
Have you ever become so enraptured by a book that you forget where you are? You look up, blink and can’t tell how much time has passed. It feels as though the very words in the pages you’ve read were...
Just steps from the Great Hall you can walk into one of APH’s Student Art Galleries. Once you enter the Gallery you will see this message on the wall: “Climate change is one of the most pressing issues worldwide, as...
We’ve all felt it in some way or another. Spending hours and hours inside quarantining can take its toll. That’s why it’s important to keep our minds and bodies healthy by going outside for socially distant activities. It’s also a...
Everyone can agree that hybrid learning is hard, but here are some tips to help you with our new normal from a student's perspective.
At Convocation on September 8, all students gathered on the South Lawn to welcome in the new academic year. Campus Minister Brigid Beckman, opened with prayer and some of our students prepared special music to open and close the ceremony.
Before he became a science teacher at The Academy at Penguin Hall, Mr. Rivers worked as an EMT in Beverly, a role that has helped shape how he approaches life and work. Read more to learn about Mr. Rivers!
The Academy at Penguin Hall’s new Student Body President for 2020-21 is Nachelle D. ‘21, a spirited rising senior who describes herself as an “open book” and an aspiring surgeon. Read more to learn about Nachelle!