
Showing 54 of 215 results
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Dr. Nerissa Kreher Joins APH As Guest Speaker
Yesterday, Penguin Hall welcomed Dr. Nerissa Kreher as a guest speaker for our Women in Leadership Speaker Series. Dr. Kreher is an accomplished physician executive and pediatric endocrinologist with strong biotech experience in Clinical Development and Medical Affairs.
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Students Commemorate Racial Slavery with Own Memorials
For their culminating project, Dr. Kimberley invited students to create memorials that commemorate the history of racial slavery. She tasked students with understanding the concept of historical memory; exploring the complex decision making processes behind designing a memorial; examining the...
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APH Students Put Their Twist on Famous Greek Tragedy
APH 9th graders in World Humanities read the first play of the trilogy, "Agamemnon", together and then broke into groups for a creative assignment. Each group put their own spin on the tragic play and presented it in a totally...
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The Top Three Reasons to Transfer to Penguin Hall
Change is not always easy and starting something new is full of unknowns. But more often than not, change is worth it and can open the door to greater opportunities! At APH, you have the ability to blaze your own...
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