
Showing 36 of 215 results
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Capturing Oral History
The one-semester elective course Capturing Oral History introduced students to the techniques and practices of the oral history interview, including: the background research, drafting the interview questions, and planning the interview with awareness of the ethics and etiquette of oral...
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10 Test Anxiety Tips
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, causes of test anxiety may include a fear of failure, lack of adequate prep time, or bad experiences taking tests in the past. You're not alone! Here's what you can do...
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Mastering Cemetery Iconography
For Symposium Week 2021, Ms. Healy offered a Master Class titled “Cemetery Iconography,” which was a two-hour course that would take place off-campus. The master class drove north to the Old North Burying Ground in Ipswich, MA. It was established...
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A Celebration of the Arts: APH Hosts Its Spring Arts Festival
On Friday, May 21, the South Lawn transformed into an oasis for the arts. Weeks of preparation included building a stage complete with lights, curtains and microphones for the three-act extravaganza. Our tent housed carefully curated artworks created by students....
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