
Showing 45 of 215 results
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Two APH Students Win Statewide Democracy Challenge
Each year, the League of Women Voters of Massachusetts (LWVMA) sponsors a student video contest. This year, they held the "Democracy Challenge" Student Video Contest. The league asked high school students in Massachusetts to create 30-second videos answering the question...
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Student Reflections: Caitlin D. ’24
Caitlin D. ‘24 is just beginning her journey at APH. As she remembers when she first walked through the spider-web doors of Penguin Hall she notes that who she was eight months ago has grown and changes today.
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Welcoming Spring with Community and Prayer
At Penguin Hall, we believe that there is a place for you here--no matter your beliefs. To be truly empowered to live and lead exemplary lives, the students at Penguin Hall are invited to grow in inner wisdom as well...
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APH Celebrates Return of Entire Student Body to Campus
On Monday, March 22, Penguin Hall welcomed its entire student body back to campus for fully in-person classes for the first time since March 2020--marking almost a full year. This was a momentous occasion and cause for celebration! While the...
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A Message On Recent Events
We are deeply saddened by the tragic events in the Atlanta, Georgia area in which eight people, six who identified as Asian American, were senselessly murdered. This violent act is the latest in a series of brutal attacks on members...
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Stronger Together: One Year Later
What was unthinkable to us a year ago has become all too familiar. The ring of a Zoom call signaling the start of class, the sting of hand sanitizer over a small papercut, the adjustment of a mask as it...
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