
Showing 27 of 215 results
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APH Welcomes Great Friends to campus!
Penguin Hall was honored to welcome the great friends of our students on Thursday, October 21 and Friday, October 22. It was an event that did more than just welcome visitors, it broadened the APH family. Great Friends’ Day allowed...
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APH Student Helps Make Wishes Come True
“Lifting others up lifts me up.” For APH Senior Christina Autilio ‘22, community service is not just a hobby or a box to check off on her high school resume. It’s an opportunity to lift others up and make a...
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APH Reflects on the 20th Anniversary of September 11
This week, the APH community took the time to reflect with a moment of silence as we remembered the 20th anniversary of September 11. Mr. Williams' Philosophy elective class, who will also be studying a novel centered on the events of...
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Penguin Hall Begins Its 6th Academic School Year
Penguin Hall has launched into the start of a brand new school year! On Wednesday, September 1 our usually quiet campus over the summer ERUPTED with excitement as old friends reunite, new friendships are formed, and the flurry of fun...
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